I’m so glad you’ve found my little corner. I am doing a lot of thinking and reflecting these days. This blog is a place for me to share some of those thoughts and reflections with you, in hopes they deepen your thinking and reflecting and, in particular, drawing you towards love of self and neighbour.
When I’ve had blogs in the past, they have been a sort of dumping ground of personal announcements, sermons, opinions (lots of opinions), and cool things I found. This time, I want to be a little more focused. Right now, the writing you will find here falls into three categories.
Faith and Identity: I am a bisexual Anglican priest. I think a lot about Christianity, the church, who we are, and whose we are. I practice my Christian faith as a queer woman, reading a liberationist gospel, trying to love my neighbour every day, and, while I’m at it, loving myself. A lot of my writing here will be theological reflection. I consider a question using Scripture, inherited tradition, contemporary wisdom, and the practice of Christian living. I receive a lot of inspiration and support through this lens but, also, I critique what I have inherited in theological thought. You will also be the recipient of my not-quite-fully-formed philosophy and ideas coming out of my graduate research.
Community and Beyond: Loving my neighbour means offering comfort and support and, also, advocating for the oppressed and afflicting the comfortable. There are issues I am passionate about: 2SLGBTQ+ justice, poverty reduction, anti-racism, and breaking glass ceilings for racialized and othered people as well as women. I am committed to constant learning and unlearning, listening especially to Indigenous, Black, Asian, Latinx, queer, and feminist wisdom.
Mind and Body: God is love. God also contains an abundant excess of love and it is out of this excess love that you, I, and our beautiful planet and cosmos were created. Every day, every beloved one of us is faced with pressures and messages that are piled on us telling us we are not lovable unless we…fill in the blank. I want to share with you what I am learning about health of mind and health of body, rooted in the Divine love in which we dwell.
I also send out a monthly newsletter containing recent posts as well as other cool things I want to share from myself and others. If you want to be on my list, please send an email to hello@dawnleger.ca or fill in the Subscribe information at the bottom of the page.